Monday, October 17, 2005
Flight Team results
Back in Spring Semester of 05, myself and the other flight team officers looked to each other and set a goal for our team. We decided that this year, we were going to do well enough at the Regional NIFA Safecon Competition that we would be invited to the national competition. The KSU flight team has not been to the national competition in 19 years. So, let me tell you that this was no small feat; to revamp the team, practice, learn, and keep up with everything else in our lives. A lot of you all know that I haven’t been around a lot for a while. This is why. October 9-16 was the Regional Competition at Western University in Battle Creek Michigan. It was one of the best expiriences of my life. It was cool to see all the other teams and planes and talk to them. It was also really cool to see our team come together from almost nothing and perform so well. Usually 3 teams from our region (about 7 colleges) make it to the national competition. This year they were only going to take the top two. Western Michigan always wins first. Ohio State University always wins second. The third place spot is always fought for. Last year we lost the third spot to Ohio University by 6 points out of hundreds. This year Ohio State University is hosting the National Competition, so it turns out that they go to nationals no matter what. This means that there was still a spot even with W.M. in 1st and OSU in 2nd. Well, this year we worked our asses off all semester and all week. It came down to the awards banquet Saturday night. Our hearts on the line as they announce each of the top 10 winners of each event. When it came down to it, the Kent State University Precision Flight Team….came in second place! We even beat the “unbeatable” Ohio State! That means that the only reason Ohio State will be at nationals is because they are hosting it! It’s so awesome! If you work hard enough for anything you can do it - ANYTHING!