

Things I do, things I think, etc...
Anything that doesn't fit the other categories usually gets thrown in here.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Hi-Ho Hi-ho

It’s off to CA I go

I’ll try to keep my murderous rage to myself.  At least I get to fly.  They’ll probably disassemble my powerbook at the security booth to make sure its not a bomb.  :(  Back middle of day Sunday, but by then I’ll just have to pack and move into the dorm.  I need more sleep..

Posted by eclipse on 03/23/2004 at 08:51 AM
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Sunday, March 21, 2004

I don’t like picking titles


Like, I am soo tired right now. I should sleep. But i never do what's good for me. Hokay, so Monday I was going to skip physics but i decided to go, and I walk in and OMG! We're having a test! Usually we go like 6 weeks between tests. It had only been two. Since I can't learm anything in class, I usually cram the day before the test. The strategy has worked well - getting high B's usually. But now I'm looking at this test and I can't answer a single question. Not ONE. know how that feels? I do know. I couldn't answer one question for sure. So I guessed. Yep, 40% was long answer, 50% multiple choice, and 10% true/false made up the test. Got it back Friday - I got a 56% - with the curve it turned into a high D. Whoa. God I hate physics. I hate all my classes. I dont know why i keep trying anymore. It isnt helping.

Had a "Music as a world phenominon" midterm the other day. Got a 76%, one of the highest grades in the class. Highest was 84% average was 51% 51% You know its not the students fault when the average is that low. Why do I always get these classes? Everyone else in the damn university can get drunk every fucking night and still have a GPA over 3.0. A friend John down the hall in Allyn got robbed over the weekend. Took his computer, some other expensive things...People suck.

So now its spring break. Dan and Tim and Brian came over Friday night and Saturday to play UT2K4 and develop a strategy to use for Jeloh. Got lots of free pizza from Quinn - you rule dude, thanks! UT2k4 is pretty sweet. I need to sit down and actually play some of the new modes of play. Need to practice and get real good for the tourney so i am unstoppable. Our team will be invincible. Just upgraded the powerbook to OS X 10.3.3 - yay nothing new...lame

I'll be gone to California Tuesday through sunday. I will try to get online by warwalking late at night, dont know how successful i will be. I have a lot of crap to read this break, I'm going to do that there. And my ipod/laptop combo will be my best friend while i am there. I really don't want to go, but i feel i have to.

maybe i will sleep now
Posted by eclipse on 03/21/2004 at 01:30 AM
LifeKSU • (2) CommentsLink to this entry

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Ever have that feeling

that its all for nothing?

Yeah, but everyone has, so get over it. Stop being so damn stubborn.

It's like 3 fucking am and I dont want to sleep. I don't like to sleep, but since I'm trying to lower the amount of random caffiene I drink (it IS a drug after all :D ) I seem to be doing it more. Yash is being his same stubborn self again and again. 4-21-03. As much fun as it is watching my friends rip each other to shreads... *cough* bob *cough* yash *cough* jo *cough* codex *cough* jo *cough* yash.

bought 512mb of DDR 400 RAM for my computer. It runs fast again! Still got my good old Athlon 2000+ Of course, processor speed almost doesnt matter anymore. My RAM and ATI 9700 pro make UT2k4 look gooood. :D Now to order some laptop ram from phil at pak computers fo cheap...

Went to Swenson's for dinner with Rick and Zola and then played some DDR on standard mode. I skipped out on the second half of the anime club for it. It's not that I dislike the anime they are watching, its that I just dislike the club in general now. Last year was so much better. I'd run for president and change things next year, but I'm going to be far too busy flying.

Having trouble organizing my thoughts here. Dont know if i am having breakfast or dinner or anything with the dad tomorrow. Hope not, cause i completely forgot if I am.

Hmm...I like the Fruits Basket DVDs a lot. Yash let me borrow the manga. It was okay. Nothing too good. Not like the Sailor Moon manga which was a total surprise. Waaay different than what everyone thinks of SM. I'll probably get the FB manga when it explores what happens after the anime. But I still like the anime way better.

Six Flags training on the 13th. Hmmm....I dont know if I have what it takes for management. Mike (boss man) told me to "prove myself". Yeah, I agree. I need to prove to myself that I can do it as well. I am way too afraid of failure. Greatest fear = being useless, I guess. Doesn't help that I am a perfectionist (when I am motivated). Everyone gave me so much praise for getting my pilots license. Still didnt feel right though. Very grateful to them, but I don't feel right. Doesn't really make me feel like I am closer to anything, it feels empty. Dont want to work at 6 flags my whole life.

Dan wants to take Kendo lessons on Monday nights. I want to also, but its like 80 bucks a month. I could get a damn good cell phone with that. But no one ever calls me. And I could just beat people up and steal their phones. Gonna sit in on a free lesson next monday. Woot.

I think thats all I got. The archives feature of the site isnt working for some reason, so I want to fix that and maybe add some stuff to this already saturated home page. Don't forget to pick a day we all take off over the summer. I'm thinking monday nights until tuesday afternoon. dying...
Posted by eclipse on 03/06/2004 at 02:13 AM
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Sunday, February 29, 2004

Leap Day?


So my desktop computer died on Wednesday or something. It's making some weird clicking noise. I have yet to figure out whats going on. I would look at it, but I am too damn lazy. Been doing everything through the powerbook lately. Sometimes I forget just how much I have to rely on the PC, if for nothing else, the sheer amount of data I can store on it. This isn't good. I keep getting more and more stuff to save, and I have to find a backup place because I need to test its second partition to see if it will fuck everything up again. Stupid PC. Curse the maker. So today is a fucking awesome day, weather-wise. Too bad I get to spend it in the library learning physics because I have a test tomorrow. It would be much easier if I could learn this stuff in class. That just doesnt happen though. It's way too early for me to be doing physics at 9:55am. History is interesting in class, but I can't do essay exams, so I am not doing well in that class. My music teacher decided our class wasn't about music, but instead it's about slavery. When we complain, he tells us "tough shit, you aren't listening. I'm one bad motherfucker" No joke. And my flight class meets once a week for 3.5 hours. I can't deal with a class that long. Flight classes always get the worst schedules. Always at night or 643 hours long. Then I don't know if I'll be able to fly this semester. Even if I do, I still hardly have any time in the day. At least I'm not working with any groups. That always brings my grade in any class down at least one letter grade. Last semester proved that.

Went to go see the Stow High school junior class play yesterday. It was actually really good. It was about this lady who was trying to teach Helen Keller and stuff. Yeah.... Playin a new game called Stepmania which is just a PC (and mac!) version of DDR. Its fun. Got 780mb of anime songs for it, dear god. Hmm what else...Got rehired at Six Flags. So did my lil brother and some of his friends.

If anyone knows where i can get 512mb of laptop ddr ram or 512~1gb of pc3200 for cheap (and not online), let me know...

Maybe I'll write more when I get bored
Posted by eclipse on 02/29/2004 at 01:00 PM
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004


It happens

Heh, just got done playing UT2004 demo with a bunch of people from the dorm, and Will even played for two rounds, unlike that lazy Jo who's only commented on this site once. It is a really fun game in onslaught mode. It basically puts Halo vehicles in Unreal Tourney 2003.

I started using FireFox. Dumb name, but works better than IE.

For all those who have trouble reading my cryptic updates, I did take my Private Pilot Practical Test on Saturday, and yes, I passed. Didn't do as well as I wanted, but I still made it. Now I gotta get into the Commercial Flight class at KSU.

After taking the test for 6.5 hours, we were going to have a LAN or something at Jo's. Oh well, I was tired anyways. Sunday we went to a useless computer show. Me and Rick decided Peter Trapp is worthless now. From now on we're only going if we know we are going to buy something. Then went to CompUSA with Tim and Dan. Then went to the Animation show, only getting lost 2.5 times. It was the same as last time, oh well, still fun.

Feb 15 was yash's birthday, i redid .

New Castle Airport, where I took my test:

Me back at KSU Airport after the test:

yay for randomness.
Posted by eclipse on 02/17/2004 at 12:03 AM
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