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  KSU Flight Team Video

Found this on the KSU newspaper website, a nice video about KSU's first place finish in october. The first guy interviewed was my student for about 6 months who I helped get his commercial certificate. The second is a student I flew some multi time with too. Both great guys and current instructors themselves now.

Mon Nov 17, 2008
[0] comments | Category: KSU

  Save Runway

The maintenance people at the Ksu airport have taken it upon themselves to decide that the airport cat, Runway, is a "health hazard" and that he should be put to sleep (and of course I mean put to death) or at the very least taken by someone for adoption never to return. Completely ignoring the fact that Runway has co-existed with humans without being a danger for 10 years, how can they just decide to up and do whatever they want with a cat that belongs to everybody? I should also mention that these maintenance guys have been here for less than a year. More like months. It just pisses me off that they think they can just do whatever they want like this. I have to make a stand. I wrote a petition to put on the wall for people to sign to save Runway. I hope everyone else thinks like I do and that they don't think I am too much of a loser for doing it. But in the end I don't care. You have to fight for what you believe in, even the little stuff. And they have to listen to the students, right? That's where the money comes from.

Thu Jul 19, 2007
[0] comments | Category: KSU

  A Plus for Plus/Minus

The plus minus system is designed to be a more accurate way to assess your abilities. If you got an A-, it's because you did A- work. It is designed to separate the students abilities more accurately so not everyone graduates with honors.

A lot of students respond with "Why isn't there an A+, if there is an A-? I will answer the question with another question. Why should there be? By getting the A-, you are only proving that you did not even do A quality work. Therefore, the +/- system rewards you by helping your gpa when you should have gotten a B.

Now take a look at some college where every student gets an A in every class simply for breathing. It looks like their college is so good at teaching, when in reality it just means that's it's ridiculously easy.

So when you go to get your next job in the near future, do you want your employer to say "Oh you went to kent state where everyone gets A's just for breathing, maybe I should hire this Akron U. guy", or do you want him/her to say "Oh wow, an honors student from KSU, he must work really hard"?

Thu Dec 28, 2006
[0] comments | Category: KSU


I graduate in two weeks! It's a weird thought but I don't know. Not that weird. Every week for the last 4 and a half years (except some summers) I've gone to work at resnet and that'll be gone. I just turned in the last paper I'll have to write today. I haven't been exactly in the mood to do much of any schoolwork, so this 3 page paper was really hard work for me. I got it done though.

It's so strange to think I won't be in school, not be a student. I miss it already. I am going to miss flight team and some of my classes, and resnet. But then again, not that much will change. I'll still be out at the airport and see my friends and I'll still coach with the flight team. But..it's not the same...

Fri Dec 01, 2006
[0] comments | Category: KSU

  Kent Stater

A few weeks ago I made the front page of the Kent Stater, so it's official. I can graduate now.

Kent Stater Link

That's all for today

Mon Oct 23, 2006
[1] comments | Category: KSU
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